Just what can purchasers reasonably expect from suppliers who put forward their company's ISO 9001 certification as an argument in favor of their products or services? ISO provides answers to this and related questions in an updated edition of its online brochure, ISO 9001 What does it mean in the supply chain?
The document is particularly aimed at purchasing managers of business enterprises and public sector officials responsible for procurement, but it will also be useful for organizations representing consumer interests as well as for consumers themselves.
ISO 9001 is implemented by organizations in more than 136 countries and has become the global benchmark for quality management systems (QMS). The standard is used as a framework for providing assurance about the supplier's ability to satisfy quality requirements and ISO 9001 certification is often a market requirement for suppliers to participate in supply chains or to bid for procurement contracts. It is also widely used as a marketing argument by companies selling goods or services to consumers.
For these reasons, the update of ISO 9001 What does it mean in the supply chain? is timely. It provides concise answers to common questions such as:
* What does conformity to ISO 9001 mean?
* How does ISO 9001 help you in selecting a supplier?
* How can purchasers be sure that the products they receive will meet their requirements?
* How can you have confidence that your supplier meets ISO 9001?
* Can suppliers claim that their goods or services meet ISO 9001?
* What can a customer do if things go wrong?
In addition, the document serves as a "mini-primer" to ISO 9001 because it includes brief, but essential, explanations of the standard, quality management systems and the options for claiming conformity with ISO 9001.
"The documents provides purchasers with the information needed to ensure that the ISO 9001 standard is used to its full potential in the business-to-business supply chain."
Source: Globalmanagergroup.com