Friday, February 5, 2010

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) - is a global standard for environmental management systems which provides the framework for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility. ISO 14001 is a product of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 14001 is the world's first generic, internationally recognized standard for environmental management the goal of the SIO 14001 standard is to give the top management of any organization a framework for managing environmental impacts.

ISO 14001 EMSCompliance to ISO 14001 can provide the mechanism for an organization to more definitively establish itself as a genuine performer. It is a foundation to develop future environmental initiatives. The overall ideas is to establish an organized approach to systematically reduce the impact of the environmental aspects of an organization and for the generation of options for improvement are improvement are provided by the concept of cleaner production.

ISO 14000 series of standards are based on the following principles :-

An organization should focus on what needs to be done - it should ensure commitment to the EMS and define its policy.

An organization should formulate a plan to fulfill its environmental policy.

For effective implementation, an organization should develop the capabilities and support mechanisms necessary to achieve its environmental policy, objectives and targets.

An organization should measure, monitor and evaluate its environmental performance.

An organization should review and continually improve its environmental management system, with the objective of improving its overall environmental performance

Learn more about ISO 9001 certificate here.
