Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Calibration Services and Automation System

Accurate calibration and measurement of strategic quantities such as flow, temperature, and pressure is an essential part of the control or monitoring of operation of any process. A physical quantity called the measured value and process variable is converted by a measurement system in a measured value, usually an electrical or pneumatic signal which can be used for display of control.

Now, from the chart of control (automation) system we can see that the measurement device is most important for the control or to run the all system smoothly, accurately & in some hazardous chemical process most important to prevent an accident.

In any chemical plant for to neutralize the acid, pH control system is run. Let us take an example of an Automation system, which is run to stop the acidic chemical entering into the vessel in such type of neutralization process. In the system the pH sensing probe sense the pH value of the chemical and converts into corresponding mili volt and thus process value is fed to the control device (pH controller). In the pH meter calibration controller reference value of pH is feed. Now the neutralization process gives the corrected signal to the process until the pH value of the chemical will be equal to reference value after that it will feed to the vessel. In this process the sensor (measuring device) is most imp portion because the final pH value of the chemical depends on that. If the measuring device is not calibrated and it gives incorrect signal to the system then there may be chances of entering acidic chemical into the vessel and the vessel may blast. So to prevent an accident monitoring of measuring devices (calibration) must be required.

In any chemical plant to neutralize the acid, pH control system is run. In the calibration services of instruments the pH sensing probe sense the pH value of the chemical and converts into corresponding mili volt and thus process value is fed to the control device (pH controller). In the pH controller reference value of pH is feed. Now the neutralization process gives the corrected signal to the process until the pH value of the chemical will be equal to reference value after that it will feed to the vessel. In this process the sensor (measuring device) is most imp portion because the final pH value of the chemical depends on that. So to have accurate measurement and to get desired value of substance the measuring device must be accurate and to maintain its accuracy the calibration is essential.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Overview of ISO 27001 Information Securtiy Management Standard

Overview of ISO 27001
  • Security Management Standard: (Security + Availability): Secure Business
  • Key controls – Differ- Industry to Industry
  • Importance of ISMS
  • Loss of Reputation
  • Business Continuity
  • Loss of Data for Process Continuity
  • Customer Specific Requirement: Contractual Obligation.
  • Regulated by HIPAA Law: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – Mandatory since Apr’05.
  • Productivity Loss
  • PDCA Model
  • Takes care of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability- For all Information Assets
  • Right Information available to Right People at Right Time.
  • BS 7799 Part 2:2002 – Certifiable standard
  • Guideline Document: iso 27001 standard – Further Revised in 2005.
  • Initiative from Department of Trade and industry in 1995- Part 1. Part 2 released in 1998. In 1999- Swedish standard SS 62 7799 Part 1 &2 and new issue of BS 7799 Part 1 &2.
  • In Dec’00 – ISO/IEC 17799:2000 released
  • In 2001: New BS 7799- P2 drafted and Accepted in Sep’02.
  • Standard: Four Mandatory requirements of Standard + Annexure A: Possible Controls.
  • Develop, Implement and Maintain ISMS System for continually improve in context to Organization Business Requirements and Risk.
  • Section 5: Management Responsibility
  • Section 6: MRM
  • Section 7: Continual Improvement
  • Annexure A: Management Controls
  • Information Security Policy (A.3)
  • Organizational Security: What are the activities to be done at Organization level for managing security?  Eg Contractual requirements. (A.4)
  • Asset Classification & Controls. (A.5)
  • Personnel Security- Security from the Personnel. (53% frauds by internal people) (A.6)
  • Physical and Environmental Security (A.7)
  • Business Continuity Management (A.11)
  • Compliance (A.12)
Technical Requirements
A.8:    Communication & Operational Management – Focuses on basic infrastructure
A.9:    Access Control – Network only- No Physical. For Physical details under A7.
A.10:  System Development & Maintenance - Focuses on Software Development.

Total 36 Objectives and 127 Controls:
  1. Basic Focus of ISMS: Predictability & Repeatability
  2. Procedural Security & Technical (Product) Security
  3. Preventive Controls – Firewall,
  4. Detective Control: IDS.
  5. All Assets impacting CIA are termed as Information Assets.
  6. Users are all those having access to all information assets.
Section 7
  • Continual Improvement
  • Corrective Action
  • Preventive Action 
ISO Organization Implications
Management, Employees, Customers/Users, Share Holders, Company Culture, Ownership, Legislation

Success of ISMS Depends
  • Policies, objectivities and activities match business needs and requirements.
  • Develop ISMS in line with existing Organizational Culture
  • Change Management-
  • Preventive Controls rather than Detective controls
  • Awareness
  • Commitment from Management
  • Identify Information Assets impacting CIA
  • Understanding of Security & Risk
  • Effective marketing of security within the organization.
  • Distribution of guidelines on policy and procedures.
  • Training & education
  • PDCA 
Management Commitment
  • Policy
  • Objectives
  • Roles & responsibility
  • Communication
  • Resources
  • Levels of Risks
 Scope of ISMS:
Define scope based on Business Characteristics, Organizational Characteristics, Locations, Information Assets and Technology
Scope defines the ISMS deployed for all Information Assets- For Basic Focus on identified Information Assets for effective controls with geographical and logical boundaries.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

OHSAS 18001 Guidelines and Safety Policies

OHSAS 18001 Policy Guidelines:

The OHSAS Policy is a public statement by the organisation of its intentions and principle in relation to its overall OHSAS performance, which provides a framework for action and for the setting up its OHSAS objectives and targets. The OHSAS Policy acts as the driving force behind all of the enterprise's activities in the OHSAS field, and can have far-reaching business implications for the future direction of the enterprise. It should be integrated into the enterprise's overall business strategy and should also be compatible with other organisational policies such as Quality or Occupational Health and Safety. It must therefore be initiated, developed and actively supported at the highest levels within the organisation.

The responsibility for developing the OHSAS 18001 Policy should therefore rest with those at the very top of the enterprise (e.g. the Board of Directors or other governing body) and it should be signed by the Chairman, Chief Executive or similar top manager as evidence of commitment. Management will then be responsible for implementing the policy, but continuing support from the top of the enterprise will be needed during the further development of the OHSAS management system and for the organisational changes, which will result from its implementation.


The OHSAS Policy is based in part on the findings and conclusions of the Initial OHSAS Review. A number of important factors need to be considered. These are essential to ensure that the policy relates not only to the enterprises individual needs and ideas, but is also in line with recognized ohsas 18001 certification good practice and any relevant industry-specific guidelines. If the enterprise is interested in working towards certification of its OHSAS management system (now or in the future) then it may also be important to ensure that the policy will conform to the requirements of such a standard.

Once a policy has been developed and published, the enterprise's OHSAS performance will be judged against it. It is therefore worthwhile spending time to ensure that the policy provides and exact statement of the enterprise's objectives and can be used as a basis for the development of targets and the OHSAS programme.
Other important sources of information for input into the OHSAS safety Policy development process include the following:  
  • The result of the Initial OHSAS review
  • The enterprise's value and beliefs, such as its (desired) relationship with its employees, the local community and the general public.
  • The enterprise's business strategy and strategic plan elements relating to the enterprise's (OHSAS) direction, opportunities and risks, medium and long term planning including internal and external limits, and opportunities in capabilities and resources.
  • Any existing statement on OHSAS aspects; mission statements, old policies, previous statements of commitment in internal/external reports.
  • Other policies in existence: such as occupational health, safety, quality
  • The views of stakeholders (shareholders, staff) and other interested parties
  • Written standards: available recognized ohsas 18001 standard for occupational health and safety  management system which include prescribed elements for OHSAS Policy statements
  • General statements of OHSAS principles: e.g. from government, public bodies, industry associations, which are relevant to the individual enterprise
  • Other codes to which the enterprise subscribes
  • Examples of OHSAS Policy statements: from similar companies or enterprises
  • Clear definition of the geographical and organisational boundaries of the policy: which countries/regions and which sites, departments or activities are to covered by the policy
  • Any specific local or regional conditions.

An OHSAS Policy should clearly delineate the OHSAS areas to be addressed by the enterprise of Organisation and should be relevant to its activities, products and /or services. The policy may address very broad aspects of the enterprise's activities (such as waste reduction), depending on the nature of those activities. Many ohsas 18001 policies also include aspects of occupational health and safety including statements regarding the working OHSAS.

Some ideas for the content and wording of statements of commitment in an ohsas safety policy are given below. However, these should not be copied as such and should always be placed in context. The policy must be appropriate to the individual enterprise. It may be as brief as one sentence or as long as 10 pages.

General Principles:
  • Define extent of OHSAS responsibility (customers, suppliers, staff etc.)Ensure minimum of compliance with legislation
  • Provide for development of corporate standards in the absence of legislation.
  • Establish system to ensure full control of OHSAS situation (impact and risks)
  • Make commitment to continual improvement in OHSAS performance (step by step); this is also a requirement in ohsas 18001  -standard, such as ISO 14001
  • Make commitment to prevention of pollution if compliance with iso 14001 is intended
  • Develop OHSAS performance evaluation procedures and indicators
  • Embody life cycle thinking
  • Work towards the achievement of sustainable development
  • Commit to development and implementation of an OHSAS system
  • Provide adequate resources for OHSAS management
Strategy and Planning:
  • Consider OHSAS issues in investment policy and practice
  • Minimize the OHSAS impacts of new developments through the use of OHSAS management procedures and OHSAS impact assessment in strategic planning, and project definition and implementation
  • Influence suppliers in order to ensure that they contribute to the realization of the policy.
Specific Policy Goal: 
  1. Support for the use of best available technology and management practices.
  2. Promotion of appropriate OHSAS legislation and requirements
  3. Waste reduction / minimization
  4. Reduction in consumption of resources (materials, water, energy)
  5. Prevention of pollution
  6. Reduction or elimination of (specific) emissions to the OHSAS
  7. Commitment to recovery and recycling, as opposed to disposal where feasible
  8. Reduction in the use of hazardous substances and use of alternatives where possible
  9. Reduction in packaging
  1. Co-operation with regulatory authorities
  2. Compliance with OHSAS regulations in all areas of operations
  3. Compliance with local or corporate ohsas 18001 standards whichever are the most stringent
  4. Compliance with the principles set down by the industry association or the ICC Business Charter for Sustainable
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    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    Advantages of ISO 9001 14001 Integrated Management System

    ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Quality Environment Integrated Management Standard consist of Integrated ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001-2004. The ISO 9001 14001 integrated management system is central to strategy for developing a quality, environmentally sustainable business. Implementing integrated management system (IMS) on quality and environment the performance of the employees can be improved which helps in reducing cost of production and maintain quality of products. Also with iso 9001 14001 - quality and environment management system, companies maintain their quality environmental issues. It is essential that environment, quality and environmental safety issues are involved within an organization's day-to-day activities and that they are an integral part of their overall management system.

    Implementation of proper ISO integrated system as per requirement of iso 9001-2008 and iso 14001-2004 standard improves business, often having a positive effect on investment, market share, sales growth, sales margins, competitive advantage and avoidance of litigation. ISO 9000 guidelines provide a comprehensive model for quality management systems that can make any company competitive. ISO 9001 14001 standard certification includes documents of all procedures and processes, including operational and documentation control, the establishment of emergency procedures and responses, and the communication with employees, to ensure they can competently implement the necessary processes and record results. ISO 9001 14001 quality environmental management can be a very effective ISO QMS EMS certification tool to identify these cost savings opportunities for some organizations. Some other organizations can falter in its planning, lack of senior management commitment and poor understanding of how it should be implemented and find themselves managing an ineffective iso 14001 EMS Certification. Among the wide advantages of the ISO Quality System standard to make vibrant culture some are as follows:

    Key Advantages of ISO 9001 14001 Integrated Management System
    • Creates a more efficient, effective operation.
    • Increases customer satisfaction and retention.
    • Reduces third party ISO 9001 14001 audit .
    • Improved quality (reduction in waste, rework, scrap, less complaints, etc.).
    • Reduction of waste and consumption of resources.
    • Reduce operating costs.
    • Increase long term viability of businesses.
    • Enhance market share and increase growth in sales.
    • Identification of possible areas which can save costs such as recycling, landfill costs, utilities.
    • Positive response from investors, lenders,& insurers.
    • Improves employee motivation, awareness, and morale with the help of ISO 9001.
    • Promotes international trade.
    • Increases profit by implementing ISO Quality System.
    • Greater control of processes and activities throughout organization.
    • An onward journey of improvement is possible on an on-going basis.
    • Minimizing the risk of regulatory and environmental liability fines.
    • Improving an organization’s efficiency Increases customer satisfaction and retention.
    • Provides competitive advantage against companies that do not adopt the standard.

    Global Manager Group is a leading name for iso 9001, iso 14001, ohsas 18001 consultancy services. They also offers readymade iso 9001 14001 ready to use documents as well as hse manual and hse audit checklist for integrated management system implementation.